Hotel Riu Palace Antillas i Noord

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ArubaHotel Riu Palace Antillas



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77, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 526 4100
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5654889, Longitude: -70.0487778

kommentar 5

  • Cirdrahcliw Sirrom

    Cirdrahcliw Sirrom


    (my trip was 11/2016) Even tho I had a great time in Aruba and this hotel is very neat, clean and well located, I was still disappointed in the entertainment and food options or lack there of in this hotel. I was there 7 days and 3 days there was nothing to do at night, the pool and beach close at 7pm, they have 1 club that was closed 2 nights so be willing to go off the resort for some entertainment and more food options which defeats the purpose of an all inclusive hotel, this hotel is mainly for relaxation. The food was great and the people was nice. I had a necklace stolen out of my room from one of the maids and the hotel didn't seem to care so I recommend to anyone do not bring any expensive jewelry or electronics without a way of locking them up while you are not in the room. Aruba is a beautiful island you will enjoy yourself, I will return but I don't think I will stay here again only because the fun I had was away from the resort so in my opinion an all inclusive hotel isn't necessary . This is the only all inclusive hotel on the island.

  • Rachel D

    Rachel D


    I thought the staff here were all wonderful. We were greeted and welcomed right away with champagne. All food places we visited on the resort were amazing. This resort is a great location and beautiful beach. No complaints and plan to stay here on our next visit.

  • Sheena Shular

    Sheena Shular


    The service was amazing. The manager consistently checked on or group of 7 regularly. They accommodated us all with ease. We're did have to go off site for entertainment most days. The whole island it seemed closed at 6pm. The whole island is Catholic except the Haitians that live there. The excursions were fun and my first snorkeling experience was here. The guide took good care to be aware of who couldn't swim. He taught us that in salt water our bodies are designed to float much easier than in fresh water. So learning to swim is easy. They definitely need to designate a smoking section. While in the pool there was a lot of smoking and for those that don't like the smoke or have asthma or any other condition couldn't truly enjoy the pool. The food was decent. The steakhouse was my favorite. They really really should broaden the music range because I don't want to hear anymore Bruno Mars for a long time! The nightly shows was something to look forward to. Carnival show was the best. I would definitely go back given the chance.

  • Marissa Tissot

    Marissa Tissot


    We stayed at the Riu Antillas last week for our honeymoon. It was truly the best week of ours lives, we enjoyed every single second we were there. The hotel and grounds are impeccably well maintained and spotless. The service in every aspect was top notch, from the pool and beach staff, to the bartenders, to the buffet servers. The food options in the breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets were endless. The "chill out" bar was our favorite place to "chill out." Bartenders Jerry & Carlos were the absolute best! The only item some may find as a "con" is the specialty restaurant situation.They do not take reservations, as it is first come first served. If you exclusively wish to have a sit down, served dinner, I would not book at this hotel. However, we ate at two of the specialty restaurants, and although it was a great experience, we truly preferred the options at the buffet. We cannot wait to return again!

  • Diane Kelly

    Diane Kelly


    Just came back. Weather is perfect. Love it there will go back. Food was great. Rooms need updating but they are updating within one year. Pool was very nice. Employees were welcoming and accommodating. It is great because it is adults only but you can use facilities at the Riu Palace next door. Safe to walk around town!

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