Clinical Massage Aruba & Spa i Noord

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ArubaClinical Massage Aruba & Spa



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87, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 280 8880
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Latitude: 12.5732971, Longitude: -70.0452603

kommentar 5

  • Tricia Galinski

    Tricia Galinski


    This was a great place to get a massage in aruba! Conveniently located and great masseuses. We got a couples massage with Genesis and Shalene. They both were great but my husband said Genesis was excellent! They also served us a complimentary glass of champagne after. We will definitely be back when we come back to Aruba!

  • Stacy Hassell

    Stacy Hassell


    I recommended that everyone come here, Especially if you're an athlete, i have visited different spa in Aruba but this spa is by far the best and they work with all my problems and fix me, i feel like a new man!! Check out my friends Roxy she always work on me and make me feel awesome!! :)

  • Rosmary Rojas

    Rosmary Rojas


    The spa, staff and service is super WAO! Flo and his exceptional staff work to heal, is the best spa in Aruba. Excellent!

  • Gladys Duarte - Chair Yoga

    Gladys Duarte - Chair Yoga


    Simple the best place for Recharge, Reconnect , and Realign your Energy, with the best treatments of different types of massages, Facials, Hair and Make up Styles in the island , or with a Grateful Chair Yoga Morning practice in the Zen Garden.

  • Shery Andrews

    Shery Andrews


    If you are on vacation in Aruba and you are looking to relax your body, mind and soul. Clinical Massage Aruba & Spa is the best place to visit. You will find a warm welcome from the best team. Good environment, beautiful, relaxing and a very clean Spa. And the massages are hats off......unforgettable.

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