Hadicurari i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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96, Berea di Piscado, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 2288
internet side: www.hadicurari.com
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Latitude: 12.5778136, Longitude: -70.0445289

kommentar 5

  • Robert Herman

    Robert Herman


    Terrible service and even worse food. Staff was not well versed on the menu and for a supposed authentic fish restaurant many of the dishes were not fresh from the sea. Seafood chowder had imitation crab as the main ingredient. Don't waste your time or money!!

  • Noah Bixby

    Noah Bixby


    Great food wonderful experience but booking ahead is recommended.

  • Angie S.

    Angie S.


    Went for lunch. My husband and I where the only ones there at 1100. Took 40 minutes to get a sandwich and I had a shrimp wrap. The wrap had 0 shrimp. Peppers and onions covered in salt. Left the food. Called waitress for check never asked if everything was ok or if we needed anything . 15 percent tip was already included in check. Worst meal I've had in Aruba.

  • en

    Sofie Kuijpers


    Crowdy place, avarage food and basic service despite the mandatory percentage of service charge. Awful music and singer

  • en

    Nasos Laourdekis


    Good cocktails, good food, nice view, available parking, right next to the beach.

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