Ché Bar i Noord

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ArubaChé Bar



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230, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 1696
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.574803, Longitude: -70.043516

kommentar 5

  • Mahogany Brown

    Mahogany Brown


    Today is my last day here in Aruba. The food was very good especially the potatoes. The service it’s self was very slow. We weren’t in a rush or anything me and my friends had been sitting for a while just having good conversation sharing pictures until we realized about 40 minutes had went by and we hadn’t gotten our food yet. Other then 2 sets of couples that had already eaten but were waiting on there checks. it’s fair to say the wait wasn’t because they were busy so idk why it took so long. I came back the next morning (yesterday) just to get a side of potatoes and it took about 20 minutes and it was only a family of 4 who were already eating so idk why it even took 20 minutes for a side of potatos. Other then the unexplained wait time everything was ok. I would eat here again but would recommend not being in a rush you to decide to do breakfast here.

  • George Munteanu

    George Munteanu


    $3 local drinks/mixes and empanadas between 6 to 8, great deal They also have for lunch/breakfast all you can eat pancakes/toast bread for$9

  • Corrie Davidson

    Corrie Davidson


    A casual open air seating area across from a bar on a busy high-end shopping strip. Prices were surprisingly reasonable (though they charge for each cup of coffee so be mindful of refills). They offer an all you can eat plain pancake or french toast option, but I preferred picking 3 of the 14 crazy custom combos for the same price. My husband enjoyed the breakfast burrito - get it with jalapenos for extra heat. The owner was effervescent, but the wait staff was the least friendly we have encountered on the island (-- though after observing our fellow patrons I could see why.)

  • en

    Shawne Simon


    Great atmosphere!! Friendly, fun, and helpful service! Santi is the best!

  • Aiden Niemi

    Aiden Niemi


    I went for dinner and the food and drinks were exceptional. The short ribs were absolutely delicious, and the service was friendly and quick. Also, the prices are fantastic in comparison to all of the tourist trap restaurants surrounding it, especially for some authentic Argentinian food.

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