Papillon Restaurant i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaPapillon Restaurant



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348-A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 5400
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5680486, Longitude: -70.0450965

kommentar 5

  • Eliz Fondeur

    Eliz Fondeur


    Food was delicious. Luigi was great. He took care of us.. He went our of his way to make my daughter happy... Thank you...

  • Marcus Reed

    Marcus Reed


    Service is great. The food was so delicious. I had the tuna steak. She had duck. I highly recommend!

  • Peter Barbounis

    Peter Barbounis


    Great food, staff & Ambience. Even with Covid they do a great job of social distancing everyone and provide excellent service. There is a slightly reduced menu but the taste and quality of the food is on point. Not a bad idea to call for a reservation.

  • Mauricio Kiblisky

    Mauricio Kiblisky


    I go to Aruba every year and make it a point to come to Papillion. The food is phenomenal and service is always top notch. Make sure you come here during your stay in Aruba — it will be well worth it! If you happen to see Roy, make sure to ask him to help you for the evening.

  • Ricky Perez

    Ricky Perez


    Amazing service awesome food. Thank you to Roy and staff for making our dinner and trip a success. I would recommend anyone visiting Aruba to come here during your stay!

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