Wilhelmina Restaurant in Oranjestad

ArubaWilhelmina Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

74, Wilhelminastraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 0445
website: www.wilhelminaaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5180676, Longitude: -70.0319701

opmerkingen 5

  • Nick Dias

    Nick Dias


    This place is a cut above all of the other "fine dining" in Aruba. Very well thought out and delicious dishes with great ingredients and perfect service.

  • Nisee C

    Nisee C


    The place was nice and quiet. I was visiting Aruba with a couple of friends and decided to go there for a drink because the restaurant we wanted to eat at was an hour wait. Everyone were very friendly. If I'm ever in Aruba again, I would definitely try the food there.

  • Gary LaPalombara

    Gary LaPalombara


    First time visit but was best meal on the island so far. The ravioli appetizer was outstanding.

  • Israel Posner

    Israel Posner


    Aruba has many great restaurants and Wilhelmina Restaurant is among the best. We reserved online and it went fine and prompt. Delicious dishes, original recipes. I had a vegeterian troffle pasta and it was delicious. Service is good, very friendly and knowledgeable. What impressed me was when I asked for reading glasses, because I forgot mine and they got me one quick I highly recommend this place.

  • en

    Andre Garcia


    I have traveled the world and this is one of the best restaurants I have ever ate at. Amazing ravioli (short rib) and ceviche. I wanted to go to the kitchen and bow down to the guy that made it.

Restaurant in de buurt

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