Mojito's Cuban Cuisine Restaurant Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaMojito's Cuban Cuisine Restaurant Aruba


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🕗 openingstijden

Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 3632
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5199522, Longitude: -70.0394826

opmerkingen 5

  • Tracy Grindey

    Tracy Grindey


    Been here numerous times over the years and I LOVE IT great atmosphere fabulous food amazing coktails And the view WOW Try it for youself *****

  • Mário Santos

    Mário Santos


    Espaço espectacular, boa comida,bons cocktails, vista para o porto.

  • en

    Nora & Angela Cappiello


    Food was NOT hot, wrong rice specified was plated incorrectly, and done with hard kernels to chew! Maybe yesterday's? Smokers next to us!! Live Music was decent! Was hoping for a better meal; the braised pork on the menu, we thought would have been a good choice but this was very stringy, DRY, tough and difficult to chew!! The black beans are typical & plantains. Sorry, not my favorite!!

  • Isabell Sakamoto

    Isabell Sakamoto


    Really poor service. The food was bad and not even made as described on the menu. Don't waste your money on mojitos or other mixed drinks because there is barely any alcohol in them.

  • Jennifer Meinhart

    Jennifer Meinhart


    We stayed on Eagle Beach but visited the cruise ship area a couple times for fun and shopping. We stopped here twice for a pitcher of original mojitos because they were literally the best we've ever had! We had the nachos as an appetizer, which were just ok, but the drinks and atmosphere/view gives this place 5 stars!

Restaurant in de buurt

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