SeaSalt in Oranjestad




🕗 openingstijden

Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 0029
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5169734, Longitude: -70.0368628

opmerkingen 5

  • Sebastián Corredor

    Sebastián Corredor


    Awesome food and wonderful costumer service. Prices are a bit high but is Aruba...

  • en

    Jackye Maduro


    Excellent food excellent service the only problem was they seated us next in the worst seats outside even when nobody was there.

  • en

    Mountain Girl


    Food was no where close to the description on the menu. The owner charges you for items that you can’t eat. My husband ordered beef stew. It had bones and corn cob in it. I think it was beef broth they forgot to strain. I have never seen food items in a soup that you can’t eat or even better these would make you choke. The owner refused to credit the terrible soup. My grilled guava shrimp did not have any elements of guava. I would not recommend this place and the owner does not see any value in his guest or food. Could be the reason why we were the only table in the place and the waitress said she was quitting because the owner was hard to work for.

  • Cliff Eugene

    Cliff Eugene


    Great place to have dinner. It is located at the center of everything. Beautiful view and great customer service.

  • Mariana Cestellos Ramírez

    Mariana Cestellos Ramírez


    The food is great. Nice, like place with Nice view and cool vibe but the service is definitely not very good.

Restaurant in de buurt

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