Driftwood Restaurant Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaDriftwood Restaurant Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

12, Klipstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 2515
website: www.driftwoodaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5193835, Longitude: -70.0358799

opmerkingen 5

  • Todd Clark

    Todd Clark


    Great restaurant love it here every visit. We happened to visit their first night re-opening after Covid-19. Please visit, take part and eat at Driftwoods. Staff is excellent and food is excellent!❤👍👍👍

  • Israel Posner

    Israel Posner


    Excellent seafood restaurant. Great and friendly service. The special menu $32 three course dinner, great value. Oh the chocolate cake is sinful.

  • Michael



    I wish I had visited sooner. I have been vacationing to Aruba for years and never tried Driftwood until recently. We found out about the restaurant from our fishing trip that we chartered on one of their boats earlier in the day. We have a killer day catching many fish. Our captain mentioned that at a low price we can have our fish professionally prepared at their restaurant later that evening for a discounted rate. I figured, what the hell, what's a few more dollars. Boy was I blown out of the water! They prepared our Fresh catches multiple ways with dipping sauces that were paired specifically with the Wahoo and the Tuna. Not to mention the plating was a culinary masterpiece. The ambiance of the restaurant added to our experience with a cozy, friendly atmosphere. The waiting staff was professional and our drinks were strong. 5 star experience. Highly recommend both the restaurant and they're fishing charters. What an experience!

  • Sheila Johnson

    Sheila Johnson


    The restaurant had a fun aesthetic. The food was excellent and fresh. We ordered a few appetizers, the crab cake and coconut shrimp. You also get a bread basket with the tastiest dipping sauce. I cant remember the name but you might have to ask for it. I think it was Pica-papaya hot sauce. If you like spicy, then this is a must! Also if you can purchase the hot sauce, then do! I regret not buying some.

  • Sara Muhlbauer

    Sara Muhlbauer


    Great food! Some of our party did the chartered fishing earlier in the day, so we were able to enjoy some of the different fish they caught! What a great experience! I had the Driftwood Special, the lobster tail was very nice sized and prepared well! Staff were very busy, but super friendly!

Restaurant in de buurt

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