La Granja, Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaLa Granja, Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

2, Zandstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 2065
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5204857, Longitude: -70.0315493

opmerkingen 5

  • Riyad Mohammed

    Riyad Mohammed


    Can't beat the price and quality is always the same very high and extremely friendly and helpful staff. Food is incredible. Halaal chicken (as seen in the picture, Sadia) and lots of seafood options.

  • Nelly Acosta-Martinez

    Nelly Acosta-Martinez


    Super delish! I got the 1/2 chicken, yellow rice and fries. I'm picky about my french fries and usually never finish them at other places because they are just "not right". But this place got them right, nice and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside! The chicken was well seasoned with a crispy outside and moist / tender on the inside, the rice was very flavorful but a little cold compared to the fries and chicken. I would definitely recommend this for a quick bite. Large portions for the price. I definitely had leftovers. (The pink sauce is amazing as well)

  • en

    Angela Andino


    Best Rotisserie chicken on the Island, they have seafood chupe and other savory Peruvian dishes, price very economic.

  • george guevara

    george guevara


    Ordered the Lomo Saltado. Was ok nothing to jump up and down about. Portion was huge for the price. Meat was tender not over cooked, but the sauce was missing something not the original recipe from back home. Also I prefer white rice and this dish was served with yellow rice, which was still good just not what was expected. Would recommend for it's unique twist on Peruvian Cuisine. 4 out of 5 stars casual dining environment with A/C

  • Shafquat Arefeen

    Shafquat Arefeen


    Get your food fast and hot! Big portions for reasonable prices. Parking available. They claim the Sadia chicken they use is halal

Restaurant in de buurt

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