Lagoon Studios in Oranjestad

ArubaLagoon Studios


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🕗 openingstijden

35, Zoutmanstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 733 1857
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5173857, Longitude: -70.034522

opmerkingen 2

  • Mandy Joi

    Mandy Joi


    Amazing! Book here you will NOT be disappointed.

  • en

    IKON Lewis


    Came to Lagoon studios for Spring Break and it was a great choice! The location is excellent! It is right in the heart of Orangestad and is walking distance from everything great about downtown. Sharon has a lot of positive energy and was great!!! She met with us, provided a map of the island and made a lot of recommendations for places to eat and things to do while on the island. Take her recommendations... They were all great!!! The studios themselves are small and don't have a lot of room to move around, but they have everything you really need for a no frills room. The place was clean and felt comfortable. They also have laundry facilities and provide beach towels, beach chairs, and a small cooler. The only recommendation I would make would be to have more TV channels. (I know you don't come to Aruba to watch t.v., but things downtown close kinda early. So if you're a night owl like me you will end up watching some TV in your room at night. It would be nice do have more than 5 channels in English to choose from.) Other than that it was great! I would definitely come back!!! BON DIAAAA!!!!! 😊

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