Kemp's A1 Apartments Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaKemp's A1 Apartments Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

5, Pagaistraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 8963
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5256313, Longitude: -70.0412275

opmerkingen 5

  • Elvis Croes

    Elvis Croes


    momo tire

  • James Rundio

    James Rundio


    I still have five more days here. I chose this place because of the consistent reviews. I haven't been disappointed yet. The apartments are rustic, which matches the atmosphere. The owners are very friendly and attentive. I will definitely return to A1 with my next visit.

  • murmuray

    [email protected] murmuray


    The Owner is soooo friendly. Accessible to.the city and the beach.

  • Courtney Blalock

    Courtney Blalock


    Stanley and his family were SO KIND to us during our stay. They were overly accommodating with daily cleaning and even gave us directions and a ride to our first destination to learn the area. Don't be fooled by the location, we arrived and were wondering if maybe we had made a wrong decision, but in fact couldn't have chosen a better place. Please note that this is where the locals live, so there isn't luxury as reflected in the pricing. This includes lack of hot water- but due to it being so hot outside we didn't mind. I cannot recommend this location enough. 5 stars.

  • mstepp Stepp

    mstepp Stepp


    Small ,very clean ,comfortabley furnished apartments for short or long time stays. Very close to down town and the beach. Mr.and Mrs. Kemp are the BEST!!!

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