Aruba Tourism Authority in Oranjestad

ArubaAruba Tourism Authority



🕗 openingstijden

8, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 3777
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5103749, Longitude: -70.0289189

opmerkingen 5

  • celia petit

    celia petit


    Excelente playa de Nikki Beach para pasar un día agradable y en especial lo niños

  • Stephen Byrd

    Stephen Byrd


    During this pandemic, we never considered canceling our seventh trip to Aruba!!! We were determined to do whatever was necessary to return to “our perfect place.” We always stay at the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort! We visited “the One Happy Island” from 8/19 to 8/26/2020!!!! It was a wonderful vacation!!!! And, the Aruban people make this Island the true treasure in the Caribbean!!!!❤️🇦🇼

  • Giuli Cremo

    Giuli Cremo


    Masha Danki to Gerella for her kindness. She gave us all informations and she replied gently to all our questions. She was a really Bon Bini (welcome) in Aruba!

  • liliana faouen castro

    liliana faouen castro


    Wow... I worked here 20 years ago. I visited today but was closed :)

  • Randolph Arends

    Randolph Arends


    Great to see ATA on the maps. Please update your location to the current address

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