Avianca in Oranjestad



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🕗 openingstijden

Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5037495, Longitude: -70.0074014

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Richard Gomperts


    We bought our ticket a few days before we needed to fly and we flew to Aruba to get the flight to Bogota by out arrival early morning 8 O clock we went to check in @9:30 am. And they told us that ‭we have to stay behind because they were overbooked. None acceptable for us and we spend almost two hours waiting and talking to the supervisor. Pls be aware of this for your next flight with Avianca Aruba

  • Alejandro Ospina

    Alejandro Ospina


  • Olga Velasquez

    Olga Velasquez


    buena atencion

  • en

    Cederick Cuevas


  • Anouk Balentina

    Anouk Balentina


    When traveling to Aruba with avianca the airline staff sprays insecticides in the plane making people very sick. I HAVE ASTHMA AND MORE PEOPLE GOT SICK FROM THIS INSECTICIDE SPRAYING IN THE PLANE BY THE PERSONEL. If you complain about this the stewardess gets very unpolite and tells you if you don't like go to court. I Do not recommend AVIANCA.

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