Atlantis Submarines Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaAtlantis Submarines Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

L.G. Smith Boulevard 82, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 522 4500
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.518926, Longitude: -70.038907

opmerkingen 5

  • Jamie Hoth

    Jamie Hoth


    It was definitely worth doing something I have never experienced before I was hoping to see some more variety of fish and possibly larger ones but can't control what's in the area at your time I would recommend if your in the area.

  • jhudshop



    A unique underwater experience. Sub goes 140 ft down. Shipwrecks, all sorts of marine life, coral and seascape.

  • Ameerah Sahar

    Ameerah Sahar


    It was an amazing experience. Well organized, great for all ages and family sizes. Just another reason to choose Aruba for vacation. We will definitely be back!

  • Conociendo America

    Conociendo America


    Great views, deep 120 feet, nice service, great experience. Lots of fish, coral reef and 3 sunken boats. $12 for submarine photo, nice store.

  • Margarita Caban

    Margarita Caban


    I had an AMAZING time, I usually get sea sick but I didn't on the Submarine it was so calm. I enjoyed every bit of the tour, the dishes the wrecked ships it was awesome, took alot it great pictures, definitely a must do! The staff were very helpful and friendly I highly recommend this tour! Thank you...

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