Cataleya Aruba Vacation Apartments in Oranjestad

ArubaCataleya Aruba Vacation Apartments


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

13 Nieuwstraat Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 592 4775
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5190033, Longitude: -70.0312214

opmerkingen 5

  • Adam H

    Adam H


  • Jose Frank

    Jose Frank


  • Walter Fernández

    Walter Fernández


    Linda habitación. Cerca del centro y las tiendas comerciales

  • en

    Shirley H


    No warm/hot water to shower in & okay service. She (Tanya - the owner) arrived to the property 15 minutes late with the keys. The room does not have hot nor warm water. The sink in the bathroom did not drain well; stopped up. The room wasn't equipped with linen for the let out couch. We had to contact Tanya at least 3 times to retrieve sheets where she finally brought them at 10:30pm. We continued to go through the hassle. Despite the aforementioned, Tanya was resourceful when it came to locating restaurants and informing us that there wasn't much of a night life. Everything closed at 6pm. She was nice and the property was cute. Other than this, you may want to find a place with hot water and a little bit better service if you can afford it. The city (Oranjestad) is a cool place. Beautiful beaches and consistent windy weather. The locals are nice and fun. The food is amazing and it isn't too crowded. Taxis can be a bit expensive, so, take the trolley.

  • Adrian Tiefenauer

    Adrian Tiefenauer


    Top Lage, nett eingerichtet Schlechte Kücheneinrichtung

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