Pista Q in Oranjestad

ArubaPista Q



🕗 openingstijden

Wilhelminastraat 86, Oranjestad, Aruba, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 661 3599
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5181325, Longitude: -70.0315569

opmerkingen 5

  • Jesus Alberto Salazar Rodríguez

    Jesus Alberto Salazar Rodríguez


    Very nice place, comfortable and clean, some extra information could be useful at the beginning but still the people was kind. 5 min walking to the closest beach and different stores 👍

  • Candido Aviles

    Candido Aviles


    I read a review stating that the beds here were hard. Well I'm right here right now and these beds aren't that hard. Only a little hard but still comfortable to fall a sleep. Also is a perfect low cost for those on a budget. Wifi and AC but the AC. Just make sure the AC is on "cool" not "auto". Also the room light is low dim not bright enough. Close walking distance to Renaissance Resort. Lots of small restaurants, bars and clothing store. Even a pharmacy and grocery store.

  • en

    Sonja D


    Neat hostel with a generous common room where they're building a pool. It's not a big hotel directly on the beach but you can walk or cycle there. Good place to stay. Only thing I missed was warm water.

  • Scott Glidden

    Scott Glidden


    Good location and cheap. Just a crashpad but great restaurants all around.

  • Jacirene Costa

    Jacirene Costa


    Local aprazível, tranquilo e próximo de tudo. Fácil localização.

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