Talk of the Town Beach Club Hotel in Oranjestad

ArubaTalk of the Town Beach Club Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

2, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 3380
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5094292, Longitude: -70.0280866

opmerkingen 5

  • Dave



    I'm 58 years old, and have stayed in hundreds of hotels in my life...from the Ritz Carlton to Motel 6. We have been coming to Aruba for 31 years, and own a timeshare there. Due to a changed flight, we needed a quick and inexpensive overnight somewhere and decided to try Talk of the Town near the lived up to it's name. When we entered the room, it was hot and we couldn't find the thermostat. I called the front desk and they said they control the temp in the rooms, not the guests! We had to keep calling and asking them to lower our temp, and we still laid on top of the sheets all night due to heat. The pool area was very quaint and clean - the only reason I didn't give it one star. The rooms, however, are a much different story. They are extremely dated and in poor condition. There were holes in the shower curtain and window sheers - the sheers were filthy. The towel rack was hanging half off the wall, and the sink faucet was loose and ready to break off. Speaking of towels - you get exactly 2 thin bath towels and 1 hand washcloths. There is a bar, and had a nice small band there singing. We had a drink and went back to the room. The music was so loud, it actually vibrated the mirror on the wall in our room. We weren't that's Aruba after all and we come there to have fun too. They should be done by 10 or 11pm right? Wrong. It went on until after 2am, so we were zombies the next morning with only about 4 hours of sleep.

  • Emma S.

    Emma S.


    First time in Aruba, the hotel is clean, our room was very nice with a fridge and microwave. Shower was excellent with the rain like shower. Best of all we enjoyed every night the lighted pool and jacuzzi, will come back. I cannot give a 5 star because toiletries are not existan, and the hotel es far away from town.

  • Mike Peterson

    Mike Peterson


    We booked our stay for one night at the Talk of the Town as our flight was delayed a day due to weather. The room was pre-paid via Expedia, but upon check-in I was asked for a credit card for incidentals. I understand that, it is quite common. However, I asked numerous times that they confirm they would not be charging my card, but rather "reserving" a certain amount should I charge something to my room. When we got home and checked our statement, it was charged $175. While they said the would remove the charge, they also said they wouldn't charge it to begin with. We went to bed around 10:00 as we had to get to the airport early the next morning. It was a bit hard to get to bed with the the sound of the house band/d-jay, but we did our best. That lasted until 12:00 or so. Then came the worst part of stay. A party started around midnight across the street from the hotel. More loud music, and what sounded like a dozen motorcycles revving their engines and doing burnouts. That lasted until approximately 3:00 AM. My wife and I just starred at each other in disbelief. Once we did fall asleep, morning came pretty fast. We got about 3-hours of sleep for about $300.

  • en

    Matthew Lauts


    Waitress 'Bebe' messed up our lunch order our first day. Not a big deal. Only thing was that she apologized every time we saw her for the next 4 days. "Sorry about the fish" she would say. No "Good morning" at the breakfast buffet only "Sorry about the fish". The hotel is not that great either. The counter staff were rude when we checked out. I asked for a copy of my receipt and the receptionist turned hostile out of nowhere.

  • Massimo Cutino

    Massimo Cutino


    Ottimo hotel. Personale accogliente e gentile. Camere pulite, ordinate, spaziose. Letti comodi. Bagno e doccia grandi. Colazione discreta. Buon punto dal centro. Inoltre dall'aeroporto dista 5 minuti di macchina o taxi ( €15,00). Fronte mare attraversando la strada principale. Nel complesso voto 8

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