Wilhelmina Restaurant i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaWilhelmina Restaurant



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74, Wilhelminastraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 583 0445
internet side: www.wilhelminaaruba.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5181582, Longitude: -70.0318913

kommentar 5

  • Daniel VP

    Daniel VP


    The best restaurant in Aruba. No doubt.

  • Carolyn Mitchell

    Carolyn Mitchell


    Excellent food. I especially recommend the simply truffle dish and the lobster bisque and the ceviche. Wonderful service too!

  • Gerald A. Griffith

    Gerald A. Griffith


    Exceptional food and calming atmosphere. Service was a bit lacking.

  • Jenny C

    Jenny C


    Had dinner there with a bachelorette party group and the service was top notch. They welcomed us with complementary champagne and some starters. Everything we ordered was amazing and the staff was super friendly and welcoming. Highly recommend!!

  • S PJ

    S PJ


    We almost did not dare to go in as it seemed the restaurant was empty (we are no great fans of eating in empty restaurants),luckily we entered and were seated in the fully booked and absolutely beautifully decorated patio!!! What a gem. The whole team was amazing and did their utmost best to find the best wine by our courses. The dinner was delicious. Can highly recommend. Pictures of the scallops and watermelon and the ceviche.

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