KFC Oranjestad i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaKFC Oranjestad



🕗 åbningstider

23, de la Sallestraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 527 0996
internet side: kfc.aw
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Latitude: 12.5243474, Longitude: -70.0319363

kommentar 5

  • Luis van den Berg

    Luis van den Berg


    WORST SERVICE at this location. Was ordering at the drive-thru and someone just cross in front of me. That was no problem. Came to the 1st window and pay our total. When we got to the 2nd window we noticed that it wasn't our drinks, went inside and asked them to change it. (We asked for a up size, but got a regular size drink and asked for no ice in 1 and the other was a cherry-coke). When we got home we noticed it wasn't our order self and we came to the conclusion that the car in front of us got our order and we got theirs. So we payed for our food, but got less😡😡🤬🤬

  • veronica Delores nicholas.

    veronica Delores nicholas.


    Great food KFC!! In ARUBA go get your lunches today!! Amen

  • Vanessa Miñoso Santoni

    Vanessa Miñoso Santoni


    Nice. But no big space. Playroom is too small.

  • Pascal Wijler

    Pascal Wijler


    Okay KFC restaurant on the outskirts of Oranjestad. You have to fill your own drink from a machine, but there are no free-refills like in the States allowed here. Though part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands staff did not understand Dutch (only Spanish or English).

  • Mark Thompson

    Mark Thompson


    Really nice KFC. No coffee. No honey or jelly for the biscuits. Service was slow. But other than that, food was great and restaurant was clean.

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