The LionFish Snack Aruba i Paradera

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaThe LionFish Snack Aruba



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100, Paradera, Paradera, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 566 2237
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Latitude: 12.5315946, Longitude: -70.004902

kommentar 5

  • Anita Arfman

    Anita Arfman


    Find Patrick's place and you won't be disappointed! My personal favorite: Lionfish wrap. Super fresh, great taste!!

  • Vanessa Ropp

    Vanessa Ropp


    If you eat something in Aruba, make it here. My friends took me here on Saturday (only day open). The food was fantastic. Service and experience share was wonderful. The only reason I'd suggest not attending here would be if you're vegan and dont eat fish. There were cacti everywhere surrounding and a cute patio. No beer available, which would have been a perfect compliment to the fried fish and potatoes with salad. Do yourself a favour and check this place out.

  • Henriette Warmoltz

    Henriette Warmoltz


    Very very good. Lion fish is just delicious.

  • John Vogel

    John Vogel


    What a great idea. The food is delicious and the chef can tell you who speared each fish. This is a win-win-win. Divers get money to fill their tanks, the Caribbean has fewer of this invasive species and the customer gets a delicious meal. Call ahead to make sure they are open.

  • Erik Nijhuis

    Erik Nijhuis


    Great food! Must try! Highly recommended

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