Pizza Hut i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaPizza Hut



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L.G. Smith Boulevard/Sasaki Weg, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 1818
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5446117, Longitude: -70.052438

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Arturo Nuñez

    Jorge Arturo Nuñez


    I always give them a second chance since there are few options for pizza delivery in Aruba. It's been the 3rd time pizza arrives after 1 hour...I'm writing this and I don't have my pizza and this time it has been 90min! You are better off picking it up or go to a restaurant.

  • en

    Lindan Cigars


    Went there for late lunch. Took advantage of the 14.95 special. Good location. Lots of parking and children playground. Good Pizza hut standards.

  • angel carbone

    angel carbone


    Muy bien. Buenas opción para comer rápido y barato

  • Jermaine Ravenberg

    Jermaine Ravenberg


    Pizza hut ta hopi bon. Always good. Kids like to play here and the personnel is very helpfull and kind

  • en

    B G


    I ordered pizza to come to my hotel. I assumed I could pay by credit card because the staff didn't say otherwise. The guy shows up 25 minutes later than was promised and he tells me he called my room and spoke with me and that he's been waiting for me. I told him he dialed the wrong room number, he calls me a liar. I then find out they only take cash. I called and spoke to their manager, he was rude to me and said "you should have told us you wanted to pay by credit card"... like HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW. Since they offer the service they should have told me. Steer clear of this pizza place, they are rude and obviously don't know how to run a business

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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