Pepe Nacho Mexican Food i Oranjestad

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ArubaPepe Nacho Mexican Food



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36B, Mahuma, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 641 4892
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Latitude: 12.499557, Longitude: -69.995535

kommentar 5

  • David



    A must visit for lunch. Local business, great authentic mexican food. Very reasonable prices in AWG. Owner is awesome. Thank you from our family! TAKE YOUR PICTURE WITH THE FRAME UNDER THE ORDER COUNTER! Trust me.

  • prisca isenia

    prisca isenia


    To be honest I was extremely surprised it was really really good and one of the best thing about is was it was so good we even went twice the same day we eat it in front of the place we stopped driving we make a left turn and go back and went to Second definitely a place you should not miss, just for way he appear outside

  • Brie Pawlak

    Brie Pawlak


    Love this place! Great food, good portions and friendly locals.. eating local never tasted so good.

  • Tyler Stevens

    Tyler Stevens


    Absolutely wonderful food. Authentic Mexican with hints of Aruban flavors. This is better than a lot of the fancy resort places you get as a tourist. Highly recommend coming here over those fancy places. Also, at the cost of getting an entree there, you can get enough food for two here!

  • Jano Hlavac

    Jano Hlavac


    Amazing food, great service and very good prices! Overall well worth it. We had the tacos and quesadilla, both very nice and we will be back to explore more :) They also offer some soft drinks, but if you want beer, BYOB. no issue with that.

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