The Kitchen i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaThe Kitchen



🕗 åbningstider

13, Italiestraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 3004
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Latitude: 12.5308682, Longitude: -70.0507529

kommentar 5

  • Virgil Oehlers

    Virgil Oehlers


    Good fresh food. Prices have increased in the last couple of years, but are still reasonable and below other restaurants. The staff is also very friendly.

  • Laughter yogui Girl

    Laughter yogui Girl


    Since I got to know this place I keep going. the prices are super accessible the menu is super varied and fresh. I love salads and salmon.

  • Alex Mollen

    Alex Mollen


    Grab your own food, as little or as much as you want. Lots of variety, from sushi to beef stroganoff. Good stuff!

  • Thomas Wissmann

    Thomas Wissmann


    It is buffet style but no large bowls...always fresh small portions are to choose from. Mix of local and international. Highly recommend this place!

  • Lisa Shelton

    Lisa Shelton


    Very nice place with a lot of great, healthy options. I loved the salad bar, the fish stew and all the sauces and dressings. It seems like most of it is homemade. The staff is very friendly and helpful. The prices are good for aruba, since everything seems very expensive here. For all these (expensive) healthy options, I think its a great price value you get there...

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