Bistro de Suikertuin i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaBistro de Suikertuin



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64, Wilhelminastraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 6322
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5181993, Longitude: -70.0327059

kommentar 5

  • en

    Debora Azagoury


    Very cozy place. Delicious food and excellent service.

  • Max Podkidkin

    Max Podkidkin


    This place is great and is an easy walk if you're staying at the Renaissance hotel. We sat outside in the garden at the long table and all loved it. Both food and service were excellent. For appetizers we had the bread basket and the French goat cheese. Both were gone quickly. Keshi Yena was what I got and it was absolutely delicious. Everyone else enjoyed their main courses as well and we all agreed this was an excellent choice for our dinner. Highly recommended!

  • Elle C.

    Elle C.


    We had such a good dinner here and very nice service. It’s an easy walk from the Renaissance hotel; we definitely plan on coming back. We sat in the walled garden which was full of bird songs, inside was also very pretty and inviting. Loved this place! We had the chicken cordon bleu, chicken ginger soup, Caesar salad, apple pie, creme brûlée, Kaffee suikertuin and mango ice cream. All delicious. I forgot to mention, before our dinner they surprised us with delicious little Waldorf salad appetizers and a fish appetizer in a delicious sauce! 😊

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    Lance Schuler


    Quaint, one of the oldest buildings. American craft beers, the goat cheese is amazing!

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    bradford elgy


    Everything we ordered at this restaurant was superb, from the specialty drinks to the mushroom gratin , the pumpkin soup, prosciutto truffle sandwich to the brownie pistachio ponche dessert. We have eaten at half a dozen Michelin star restaurants and find this little gem as good or better with the originality of flavors.

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