Aruba Watersports Center i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaAruba Watersports Center



🕗 åbningstider

Noord, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 6613
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5699426, Longitude: -70.0473041

kommentar 5

  • Fire flames goes gameing

    Fire flames goes gameing


    I would like to commend Aruba Watersports for their great customer service. After enjoying a memorable experience parasailing there, I inadvertently left my bag of souvenir items behind. Not only was their customer service team friendly and attentive, but they (Sabana especially) were kind enough to mail my package of souvenirs back to me. Thanks again!!

  • Jeff Darby

    Jeff Darby


    The Arusun catamaran is great! The crew is hilarious yet always preaches safety first.

  • en

    Fabio G S


    They really make my trips to Aruba worthy making the Ocean our playground. Sailing, waterskiing or a ride on the Marble float, it is always fun. And affordable ! Money well spent I guarantee.

  • Jake Weaver

    Jake Weaver


    For the most affordable 3 hour snorkel experience, this was a great experience for the price. The crew were energetic and loved to entertain and we're very friendly. Considering the price of the excursion, the open bar was good! They always were offering drinks, and the drinks were tasty. The snacks were nothing fancy, but again for the price it was just what I wanted after snorkeling. The 2 snorkel stops were great! The shipwreck was amazing and the reef stop was great! This may not be some fancy champagne dinner cruise, but was better than I expected!

  • Anthony Pinto

    Anthony Pinto


    Worked with Emily and Lisa, both were outstanding! They helped us book a UTV tour and also rented us jetskis. Very friendly and helpful! Can't wait to go back and visit them again!

nærmeste Butik

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