Little Switzerland i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaLittle Switzerland



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83, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5703015, Longitude: -70.0459414

kommentar 4

  • Daniel S

    Daniel S


    My wife and I were in Aruba last week. We had no intention on making any purchases but... During our visit we ended up with two watches and a diamond ring. It was a pleasure meeting your team Wilmar, Janine, Sasha and Marc. We were pleased with our visit.

  • Anthony Granito

    Anthony Granito


    Great selection at a great price. My sales professional, Aimee, was extremely attentive and knowledgeable. Her attention to detail made the experience of shopping for jewelry and watches a breeze. She even offered to certify the diamonds on the necklace, and allowed me to pick up my certification later in the day so I could continue to enjoy the resort. Watch shopping was great, and Aimee adjusted my watch to ensure the time and date was correct. If you're looking for a great selection without the hassle of a large store, this is the place to go. Make sure to ask for Aimee!

  • Debra Adams

    Debra Adams


    Loved this store and the service!!!!!

  • Kelly Atteberry

    Kelly Atteberry


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