Gold Palace i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaGold Palace



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382, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 6431
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5733755, Longitude: -70.0443459

kommentar 5

  • Rita Intravaia

    Rita Intravaia


    Very pleasant staff. Large selection. You walk in and there is no pressure to buy. You tell them what you are looking for and they are very helpful. Bought three ankle bracelets and a bracelet. Good quality. Will return next year.

  • David Speaks

    David Speaks


    Very pleasant Owners. Extremely helpful. Great prices!!! Excellent selection. We bought a ring for my Wife and they resized it while we ate lunch across the street at Dushi Bagles. They even drove us to our cruise ship when we were running short on time. We will visit this store every time we return to Aruba!

  • Terry Parow

    Terry Parow


    I went too this jewelry store for the second time very nice people . My husband bought me a beautiful ring.I will go there again When I go back to Aruba next year.

  • Mayur R. Shah

    Mayur R. Shah


    Extremely pleasant set of folks. Very candid about what folks want -- some on the low-end & others on the higher-end. We bought some serious jewelry.. including a ring for our little one.

  • scott robertson

    scott robertson


    My wife and i have bin coming to Aruba for about 10 years now and even if we are not looking to purchase any hand crafted pieces we still love to stop in and say hello to the great people that make purchasing a work of art so much fun.

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