Trikes Aruba in Noord

ArubaTrikes Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

23, Noor, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 738 7453
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5646079, Longitude: -70.0357815

opmerkingen 5

  • Jourdan Manley

    Jourdan Manley


    We had an awesome ride and really loved our tour guide! He picked us up at our hotel and dropped us off as well. We’ll be doing this again next time we’re here!

  • hank heykoop

    hank heykoop


    This tour is a must while in Aruba.Great group of guys and a truly unique experience like no other.Toured the island like rock stars, at every stop people stared at us or waved at us.Easy to drive,take an automatic if you can , it will give you move time to look around and enjoy the scenery.Just do it.

  • Dean Mashburn

    Dean Mashburn


    Had a BLAST!! The coolest way to see the island and turn heads! Easy to drive and the guide was amazing! Definitely recommend!

  • W Denny

    W Denny


    Our family thought this tour would be a fun way to see the island while not totally freaking me out. ;) The trikes are great. The trikes we road (3 of them) were manual transmission (the ones with the stick shift). It was easy to use if you've driven stick before. I was a passenger and felt totally at ease within minutes of the tour starting. The seat was comfortable and the places we went were all on roads (no off-roading bouncy bouncy dusty dusty on this tour). We stopped (and had our photos taken) at several sites. Marcelito was just fabulous! Couldn't have had a better guide for this tour. We were able to navigate through the roundabouts and follow him in his car just fine. He knew everyone where we went and gave us great information about the sites we saw like the lighthouse and the Chapel. Would highly recommend this tour for adults. Don't know how well smaller children would do if someone wasn't sitting with them, but bigger kids and teens would be fine! They picked us up and dropped us back off where we stayed. Everyone was so nice! Price was right. It was a half-day tour. They recommend real shoes-not sandals- if you're driving. My tips are wear sunscreen, wear a hat that will stay on, and hydrate! That sun will take it out of you, but you will love every minute! Also, if you're in the witness protection program tell them not to post the pictures to their Facebook page. Otherwise, downloading your photos couldn't be easier! We will do this again!

  • Julie Burton

    Julie Burton


    This was a great way to see Aruba, worth every penny! They have both manual and automatic bikes, we would go again in a heart beat! The guys that run Trikes Aruba are great. They were a few minutes late to pick us up from the cruise port but the traffic was heavy.

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