Around Aruba Tours in Noord

ArubaAround Aruba Tours



🕗 openingstijden

Alto Vista, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 593 5363
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.567797, Longitude: -70.0112204

opmerkingen 5

  • Corey Megamix

    Corey Megamix


    THIS TOUR WAS AMAZING. DBL D IS THE MAN !! I WOULD SUGGEST THIS TOUR TO ANYONE VISITING ARUBA. The natural pool was the main attraction. Bring a bathing suit and take many pics.

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    Hero H


    The UTV tour was awesome!!! I went with a group of 8, and we had a phenomenal time. Not only was the riding experience incredible, but the knoknowledge that our guide Toto provided was top notch! He's the man! I'd love to do this again!

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    Sarah Dorle


    Our ATV Tour was amazing. I don’t remember what our tour guides names were, but they were very friendly and great at what they do. Definitely would do again and would recommend to anyone going to Aruba!

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    Teresa Bollig


    we had a wonderful time riding the ATV with our tour guides Toto and Robert. It was my first time driving an ATV and Robert ensured that I was fine with the challenging roads and keeping up with the group. It's an experience i'll never forget. Thank you Toto and Robert for keeping us safe.

  • Scott Layman

    Scott Layman


    Marlon was our tour guide for ATVs and he was great. We loved the fast paced action and great ATV riding. Not for the faint of heart but worth every bump. Bring sunscreen and sun glasses the smiles are free. They also gave us much needed "buffs" to help control the dust.

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