Segway Aruba in Noord

ArubaSegway Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Palm Beach 55, South beach building 33, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 594 8499
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.569003, Longitude: -70.044772

opmerkingen 5

  • Arturo Brcek

    Arturo Brcek


    They mostly have good service. The only issue is a worker with offensive political opinions that he has the right to have but not share with clients that have to disrupt their lives because of the crisis in Venezuela, which is supported by that worker despite never been in Venezuela.

  • Jesus Enrique Zambrano

    Jesus Enrique Zambrano


    The best experience....2000 % recommend

  • Christina Russell

    Christina Russell


    We had the privilege of having Josh and Luis guide us on our Seabob adventure! They both went above and beyond with a large group and yet maintained one-on-one attention to all. They provided a once-in-a-lifetime fantastic experience!

  • Rick Ortega

    Rick Ortega


    My family and I had a great time and the tour guide was fantastic. Started at Palm Beach area and took us to the California lighthouse. It was a beautiful tour and the tour guides were funny, informative and made us feel right at home. I highly recommend it!!

  • Jonah Satey

    Jonah Satey


    Segway Aruba provides a great experience for everyone. They take you around the city and then the tour guide takes you to the beach to explore. Definitely try it.

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