Super Food Plaza in Oranjestad

ArubaSuper Food Plaza



🕗 openingstijden

141 A, Bubali, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 522 2000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5523857, Longitude: -70.0508164

opmerkingen 5

  • Patrick Bastow

    Patrick Bastow


    Great supermarket - amazing selection. Compared to Europe / Spain super expensive 😀 This is just as good as any European supermarket. Watch out for the taxi drivers outside. Ask to see the cost card before you go - we got ripped off. If you have’s got a coin for the trolley ask the security guard - during COVID you need a mask and a trolley to get in

  • Sheryl Leyva

    Sheryl Leyva


    Well organized and very clean. Social Distancing is practiced and hand sanitizer is at the front entrance and shopping carts are wiped down after each customer. Aruba is certainly The Happy Island and also a safe island. Highly recommend shopping here.

  • D. O. M.

    D. O. M.


    Very good location. Fine selection of traditional European and American delicacies. Prices are average for the island.

  • 2thfari 2thfari

    2thfari 2thfari


    Great store! It has a deli, coffee shop, abc store, health& beauty aide store and toy store inside along with groceries and wine liquor section. The in store made chocolate candies are to die for! Lots of unique cheeses and seafood dips/spreads. Pretty good prices and selection. Very Americanized. Nice, spacious, clean and security at front door was so sweet and handsome! Optical and pharmacy stores outside the grocery store. I only wish they carried Nestlé Chocolate syrup! They had the powder version but I do not like it!!! Convenient to Palm Beach area.

  • Anthonny Salas

    Anthonny Salas


    Some product abuse the price, very clean and awesome service.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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