Uni Casa Supermarket in Noord

ArubaUni Casa Supermarket



🕗 openingstijden

184, 3, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 8540
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5688886, Longitude: -70.0419238

opmerkingen 5

  • Matt Jacks

    Matt Jacks


    I stayed at the Hilton and walked over here a couple times. I was able to stock up on soda and snacks a lot cheaper than anywhere else. Employees were friendly too.

  • sv

    Kenneth Lundqvist


    Har allt man behöver!

  • Sergey G

    Sergey G


    Good and fast service. 3 places to eat.

  • steve



    Very convenient place with variety of stocked items to get you by for a day of high intensity fun on the island. Medical supplies that usually come in handy for me, i.e., superglue, duct tape, alcohol. Drinks for energy, like wine, red bull, the new cannabis drink. Snacks, cups, milk, bottle openers, sunscreens, soap, etc. Thankfully, no bags are given (tourists seem to let them blow away into the trees, and reef). Recently saw a (cruise ship type of) tourist opening every sunscreen tube on the shelf and sniffing each. Why do tourist guests of Aruba act like this?

  • Rich G

    Rich G


    Check the cap on your liquor bottles. We bought a bottle of Titos for $50 and found the seal was broken and the vodka was not Titos vodka at all. They won't give you a bag unless you buy a bag for $2, but then want a $10 minimum credit card purchase for a $2 dollar bag, even after we spent over $70 in their store. Go to the store out front of Playa Linda. They have Better prices, Better selection and honest people.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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