Chengs' Supermarket NV in Noord

ArubaChengs' Supermarket NV



🕗 openingstijden

111, Bubali, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 587 2151
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.552169, Longitude: -70.0440532

opmerkingen 5

  • Yolanda Smit

    Yolanda Smit


    Good shopping, doesn't have everything though

  • en

    Ning Geng


    great medium sized supermarket to purchase veggies, fruits, other daily groceries.(honestly, meats especially beef better to buy from Super foods)

  • en

    Mirna Hoevertsz


    Chengs'Supermarket tin berduranan frescu y bunita na bon prijs. E banananan ta resulta hopie bon. Nan prijsnan tambe ta bon. Spend more for less money. Mi ta recomenda Chengs'Supermarket unda sigur lo bo keda satisfecho.

  • en

    Michael Hoek


    Very good supermarket. All what you wont to buy you can find there.

  • en

    Fabi an


    !! Dangerous Food !! We lived close to chengs and bought our daily stuff from them. They never write expiration dates on the products. Our pasta had insects inside! Trust your nose when you enter the store, the bad small has a reason. Avoid them for all products which are not conserved or clearly labeled. For all fresh prodcuts I would go to the close "Super food".

Supermarkt in de buurt

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