Ling & Sons in Oranjestad

ArubaLing & Sons



🕗 openingstijden

41, Schotlandstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 2370
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.532838, Longitude: -70.050587

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Alba Robert


    The best for me. I can find all what I need. For me the best is the self service salad .

  • Jessica Morton

    Jessica Morton


    Great grocery store! Relatively good prices. For those visiting though, beauty and libations are separate purchases within the store. It also would be helpful to bring your own bags as they only have boxes. This is my first time here though and it was recommended to us by our host!

  • Gwenneth Cain

    Gwenneth Cain


    Nice and friendly cashiers, clean environment, fruits and vegetables fresh and arraigned in a eye catching manner. Spacious as well. Way To Go 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎁

  • Fuy Leung

    Fuy Leung


    Very shabby place. It's one of the 1st large supermarket of Aruba with some good history. It's the 1st that brought the concept of big American style grocery store to Aruba.

  • en

    Lydia Dorer


    I love shopping at Ling & Sons. They have a nice selection of goods. Chinese, Indian, Surinamese, Dutch, American etc etc. A good ambiance, good service. The only thing missing is the smell of fresh baked bread when you enter. Love your Christmas decor .

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