Payless car rental in Santa Cruz

ArubaPayless car rental


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Santa Cruz, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5192427, Longitude: -69.9706666

opmerkingen 2

  • عدي الحنيشي
  • Jeff Morin

    Jeff Morin


    DO NOT BOOK THEY CANCELLED OUR RESERVATION AND HAD NO VEHICLE. Our flights from Toronto we are couple hours behind so we called to say we would be late in picking up our vehicle. The lady Valema at the desk was incredibly rude and stated our car reservation number did not exist. We booked through expedia so I called expedia. They called Payless and confirmed the reservation does exist after sometime being on hold. So I told Valema what expedia said and gave her the reservation and confirmation number again and Valema still stated it doesn't exist. So even though the car was booked 6 months in advance I have no reservation according to payless even though I have it all confirmed through Expedia. The lady would not help us and pretty much said too bad we don't have a car for you and took other bookings in our place for a higher price. We ended paying twice the price through another company and are leaving horrible reviews for both expedia and Payless as I've been using both companies for over a decade and this by far is the worst experience I have ever had.

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