Ocean Z Boutique Hotel in Aruba

ArubaOcean Z Boutique Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
526, L.G Smith Boulevard, Aruba, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 9500
website: oceanzaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.600188, Longitude: -70.049796

opmerkingen 5

  • Adela Maria Paredes Portocarrero

    Adela Maria Paredes Portocarrero


    My husband and I decided to travel to the Caribean even though we live in a tourist country. But I had heard so many great things about this hotel we decided to meet with family there. The hotel is located in the best part of the island right in front of the best snorkeling area. I had the best time with all the fish. We fed them bread and it was just so great. They will supply you with snorkeling equipment. I was happy. There is nothing bad that I can say about this hotel, 13 rooms that seems you have the whole place for yourself, it’s quiet and peaceful and great chill music in the launge where the bar is. Christine can really prepare the best cocktails and then we had the best meal in Aruba right there with the sunset. The most beautiful sunset I have ever seen , right in front of you. There is something about the food in Oz that you feel perfect afterwards. On Friday they have sushi special. I can’t even begin telling you how good that was. Order the Chefs plater. Great for two and then we had an extra roll . I would dream of waking up for breakfast, super health and super satisfying, be sure you ask for the Trio de Arepas. Amazing!!!! The whole concept they have is very superior of many places we have been. It’s very personalized services. But not overdone. Ocean Z we will definety be back next year. We fell in love with all of you.

  • en

    Julieta Paredes


    The Best hotel i have been in Aruba. Nothing describes the experience we had. You need to come and see for yourself. The staff just cant be better and the dedication and love they work is exactly Home away fron your home . Highly recomended !!!!!!! Súper clean and amazing decor. Loved it!!!!!!!!! Dont even think, 7 nights was not enough!!!!!!! Sad to be home .

  • Negerven Hernandez

    Negerven Hernandez


    Amazing! All you need in one place.. My experience was wonderful, I have been coming to Aruba many times and after I spend 5 nights at the Ocean Z Boutique Hotel I have to say I would never go back to another hotel. I had a infinity pool out side my room with a beautiful view of sunset and sunrise from my bed Super romantic! All the staff were very special, Eva, Andreina, Davy, Christine, Always taking care of what you need, making you feel at home, but much better, The food for us was amazing that we did not need to go out to dinner , they have the best food we have tried in the island. There is nothing I can say we did not like about the hotel even keeping our room sparkling clean every day. Thanks all for this beautiful Experience.

  • Matthew Lariviere

    Matthew Lariviere


    Perfect location and excellent service. We felt like extended family. The food and service was outstanding and every request was taken care of in a timely manner.

  • Jimmy Mackin

    Jimmy Mackin


    Beautiful hotel. Amazing staff. World Class Experience. My wife and I loved every minute here.

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