Boardwalk Boutique Hotel Aruba in Noord

ArubaBoardwalk Boutique Hotel Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

20, Bakval, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 6654
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5828272, Longitude: -70.0420925

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Tauber

    Michael Tauber


    We stayed in the palapa 360 room. The view was incredible of the sunsets. The new setup of the property is really really nice with the new pool and hamack by the pool we felt like we were in a oasis . The room has a tub in the middle of the room which was soo nice to soak in the end of the day as well. Been to many hotels in aruba this is by far one of the best . The peace and tranquility it offers is second to none. Mike T

  • Galina Niyazov

    Galina Niyazov


    Absolutely amazing!! Paradise! Probably the best hotel on aruba

  • ABJ



    We happened to stay in this hotel by chance. It was a great choice. This is one of the top three hotels I have ever stayed at. The atmosphere is perfect. The landscaping is spot on and very aesthetic. There are beautiful lizards and geckos, we saw a crab in the grass. The breezes are great and you just want to stay in the hotel it’s so nice! You have a stovetop and fridge it’s perfect. The rooms are bigger than they need to be. Which is great because most hotels give you just what you need! The staff are very friendly and nice. The beach is shared with the Ritz Carlton and you can paddle board. Jet ski and a lot more. As a note. I’ve stayed downtown and it’s way better out here. I’d you’re thinking of coming to Aruba, stay here!

  • Geraldo Martinez

    Geraldo Martinez


    We never got an opportunity to stay at there resort but after we cancel the reservation and received the following message “Dear Jerry, We are sorry to hear that you have to cancel your reservation with us. Hopefully the pregnancy of your daughter will be in good conditions and that we can welcome you all in near future. Your reservation has been cancelled. With warm regards, Alice van Kempen-Cammel Frontdesk and Reservations Executive“ They proceeded to charge my credit card and refuse to return our money. If that was not enough they made a reservation on their system to justify the charges on my credit card. The charges were reverse on my credit card but I wanted everyone to be careful with the fraud activity that this resort does when staying there and double check your credit card for charges not approved by you!

  • ryan helm

    ryan helm


    Terrible customer service. Three weeks before our scheduled trip my girlfriend was diagnosed with a medical condition and advised not to travel for several weeks. The condition was unknown and was very difficult for her. I called the hotel and asked if we can switch our dates. I explained the situation to them and pleaded for understanding. I was told that I should have bought insurance (was not offered at the time of purchase) and it was there policy that nothing could be changed. We lost $1300. My girlfriend picked this place specifically as she had fallen in love with the pictures online. We now will not be able to take our trip due to lack of flexibility on their part. Terrible customer service. Do not stay here as if anything were to go wrong they don’t care.

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