The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba in Noord

ArubaThe Ritz-Carlton, Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
L. G. Smith Boulevard #107 Palm Beach Aruba, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 527 2222
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5827568, Longitude: -70.0443827

opmerkingen 5

  • Carole La Neve

    Carole La Neve


    Friendly helpful people abound at the Ritz Carlton. Comfortable room and bed. Shower had great water pressure and plenty of hot water after an afternoon of of road Jeep tour. Beautiful views.

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    Mango Mango


    Nice resort. Not at the same standards as the Ritz and definitely overpriced. Boardwalk takes you right next door to the Marriott and other hotels which have nicer bigger pools and for a lot less. Beach was a lot less crowded than the other hotels and we didn’t have any trouble finding beach or pool chairs at anytime of the day (6 of us). Food was average at best. Tried the Italian, steakhouse and sushi bar and the food was probably 3/5. Nice resort but definitely overpriced for what you get.

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    Sabrina Straughan


    I want to start off by thanking Aurienne my wedding planner. She is the definition of what service and standards should be. If you are planning a wedding in Aruba she by far is the most attentive, organized person to make your day very special. She made sure from the flowers to the music that is exactly what I envisioned. I gave her a little insight on what I was dreaming of and she made a reality. I know this may sound cheesy but it’s only the truth! The location was perfect! She went into detail with every decision to make sure it was right. She called to discuss details almost every week to make sure we were on the same page. I just want to say thank you to all the members of the Ritz Carlton that made my wedding day perfect!

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    Timothy K


    We had such a wonderful time at this hotel. The first time we went into our suite, we noticed that our ac unit was not working properly and I ended up getting over heated through out the night. After bringing this to their attention, they were able to switch rooms by the next day. It's definitely a very quite setting, compared to the next door neighboring Marriott resorts. This place is not really a kids' friendly environment, mostly adult visitors. Their pools are so spectacular. The whole time we were there (we stayed for 6-7 days) it was really quiet, no disturbances I noticed at the beach. We were able to just sit back in our rented cabana and enjoyed the serenity. Would definitely go back soon.

  • Donald Marcus

    Donald Marcus


    My wife and I had an absolutely amazing time at The Ritz in Aruba! The service was phenomenal - - It was my wife's birthday and they made it extra special with champagne, chocolate covered strawberries at the spa and a chocolate cake with rose petals awaiting in the room. We did the private dinner in the beach that couldn't be beat - Nathan was incredible! We loved our morning breakfast with Dennis and enjoyed scuba diving, utv'ing (all set up by the hotel). An incredible experience! We highly recommend this hotel!

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