Beach House Aruba in Malmok - Palm Beach

ArubaBeach House Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

450, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Malmok - Palm Beach, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 593 3991
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5878464, Longitude: -70.0459813

opmerkingen 5

  • Margherita Morbiato

    Margherita Morbiato


    A wonderful location by the beach

  • nl

    Wilco van Gelder


    Dit is echt geweldig, weg van de drukte, aan het strand, eigen buitenkeuken, bbq en super aardige mensen. Echt een aanrader

  • Lloyd Stone

    Lloyd Stone


    Great location, across the street from the beach with a nice seating area owned by Beach House. You are close enough to walk to Palm Beach, and the high-rise area, but out of the rush and noise of the city life. Each room has its own outdoor kitchen, dining table and seating area. The rooms have A/C and may be simple but have everything you need and more. , There is a nice pool to stay cooled off and free parking. The owner, Ebaldo is great and the staff was friendly and accommodating. We really enjoyed our stay there and when we go back to Aruba, this is where we hope to stay again.

  • lorenza frigni

    lorenza frigni


    Posizione fantastica. Posto suggestivo e familiare: pochi appartamentini in un giardino tropicale con piscina e vista mare.

  • Marisa Noce-Ganch

    Marisa Noce-Ganch


    People are so nice.... Ebaldo and his wife are awesome hostesses and you feel like at home. Super clean place, the best way to spend your vacation in Aruba. I will be back there soon!

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