Aruba Outdoor Adventures in Oranjestad

ArubaAruba Outdoor Adventures



🕗 openingstijden

San Barbola, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 749 6646
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4713368, Longitude: -69.9775186

opmerkingen 5

  • Stephanie Schmid

    Stephanie Schmid


    This is a HIGHLIGHT of Aruba! RJ is a fantastic host - sharing insights about the island, and taking us to the most amazing snorkeling spot! His equipment is the highest quality and he ensures that you see the most wonderful underwater sights! The pedal kayaks are 100% easier than paddling. I would recommend this tour to anyone! (And a bonus - he also took and shared fantastic photos with us of our tour!)

  • Deborah Morrison

    Deborah Morrison


    Don’t look any further book with RJ . My family voted this one of our favorite snorkeling experiences . RJ was the best!

  • C.A. Margazano

    C.A. Margazano


    RJ is the absolute best! Do this snorkel and kayak tour if you get a chance. It's something really special and amazing to experience.

  • Derek Gittler

    Derek Gittler


    Rj is a friendly and amazing guide! After some brief instruction on snorkeling and the pedal kayaks, we hit the water and had a trip we will always remember. The snorkeling was great and we saw so many fish and coral formations. The brief stop for a break included some locally made cheeses, crackers and fruit drinks. Rj ensured we were having fun the whole time!! We paid for the pictures and at first I was sad I didn’t use my GoPro, but after receiving over 300 high resolution photos and videos taken by him for just $40, I realized it was well worth the price as he let us be in the moment and got so many great shots!! A MUST DO when in Aruba!!!! Pick up and drop off at your resort is included in the price too!

  • Nate Bump

    Nate Bump


    Take the Mike's Reef tour with RJ; you won't regret it. If you're new to snorkeling (or kayaking), he's a knowledgeable and patient teacher, and better yet, he knows the local reef. The photos included here are from our tour.

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