Aruba Kayak Adventure in Oranjestad

ArubaAruba Kayak Adventure



🕗 openingstijden

1, Wattstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 5520
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4717192, Longitude: -69.9753819

opmerkingen 5

  • Peter Alkema

    Peter Alkema


    Great dishes at affordable price. Nice ambiance, quality furniture.

  • sandeep kongara

    sandeep kongara


    Excellent crew.. very helpful and friendly.. had one of the best experience for snorkeling...

  • Leanna Anthony

    Leanna Anthony


    Kayak to the reef and then snorkel! Amazing guides, and very easy trip. Wear sunscreen!

  • Mike Schwarzbauer

    Mike Schwarzbauer


    Fun kayak tour, guides were helpful but quiet. Prepare for the winds as you come out of the bay as well as the current when swimming out over the reefs. You will need average or above upper body strength to keep up.

  • Uncle Maine

    Uncle Maine


    The staff was nice, and that was the absolute best part of the entire experience. I mean it's a good business model they're running but I'm pretty sure it's a one and done for me. Personally, my experience wasn't all that great. I felt like the equipment was pretty sub par to say the least. A better investment into snorkeling equipment would boost this experience. I felt like I was just trying to survive at some points. My companion felt the same but we never complained, mind you we're both decent swimmers. This is not for the novice by any means. Again the staff is nice.

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