Splash Park Aruba i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaSplash Park Aruba



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Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 594 1002
internet side: www.splashparkaruba.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5068172, Longitude: -70.0299199

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Smith


    Awesome water park right on the beach, near the cruise port. I went there randomly while onshore from a cruise and had the most amazing time! I was literally the only person there, and I had a blast jumping off the floating islands and climbing. The lifeguard/employee watching me was even nice enough to take some pics of me with my phone! Awesome place, highly recommended!

  • RJ Hengst

    RJ Hengst


    leuk voor de kids! vanaf 9 jaar ongeveer...daaronder te pittig...! 15usd per uur per kiddo

  • en

    Kasia Kucharska


    Until tomorrow ( April 7th, 2018 ) the promotion allows you to buy 2 people entrance for the the price of one = $15 for 2 people. A lot of fun for kids and adults! The Surfside beach bar next door serves Latte Machiatto for less than $4 , and juices for less than $3 There is public shower to rinse off and the restroom plus parking.

  • Tyren Roberson

    Tyren Roberson


    I wanna say a hidden gem but it's in plain sight! This was awesome. Just wish it was in a different part of the island

  • Tim Tuomey

    Tim Tuomey


    So much fun. It costs 15 USD and hour and worth every penny. Talk about a perfect way to wear out the kids. Full body work out while having fun. The staff was helpful and very pleasant. There are also nice beach restaurant s along the beach, in case your staying at the rip off Renaissance resort / motel.

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