Parke Arawa i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaParke Arawa



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46 A, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 1438
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5511573, Longitude: -70.0077457

kommentar 5

  • Andres Tabares

    Andres Tabares


    Amazing place for a quality time with the family

  • shani geerman

    shani geerman


    Pool was nice. Missing a snack bar.

  • en

    Craig Green


    Nice place but a couple of things was done wrong! My card was charged and I started that I wanted to use another card. And it is hard to get someone that speaks English. There's no hot water. But the place does look nice. Nice pool, pretty and cozy room. Nice kitchenette

  • Jerry Jones

    Jerry Jones


    it is a place that you can relax at without the business of the big resorts with a home type feel and quietness. with a few different options such as sleep capacity for each family situation.

  • Hector Marcelo Mercado

    Hector Marcelo Mercado


    Nice country side location, with pools on the property, good place to have a very good resting vacations in Aruba we recommended it 100%

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