De Palm Island i Balashi

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ArubaDe Palm Island



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De Palm Island, De Palm Island Way z/n, Balashi, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 522 4500
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.469466, Longitude: -69.984369

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kieshah Webb


    De Palm Island was nice to visit. I'm giving a 3 star rating because I don't think you get what you pay for. This beach is not quite swimable- beautiful to see but if you love the water you will have a hard time finding spots that aren't rocky. The drinks were terrible. Premixed concoctions that taste like cough medicine. Stick with wine or beer! The food was mediocre- hotdogs, fries, and burgers. The best part of the day for me was our wild ride on the banana boat!

  • Jeffry Rodriguez

    Jeffry Rodriguez


    Horrible beaches. Snorkeling pool is the worst things possible. The reef there is dead. Dangerous currents with very high coral and shallow water that could get someone injured. The reef is in the worst horrible condition ever. The water park only has three good slides. The Zipline is too short. Food is good but other than that not worth the money.

  • en

    Vanessa Cain


    The water was beautiful! We chose an all day excursion through carnival cruise lines. The buffet was amazing and our pass included unlimited food and beverage - yes alcohol was included. Only stipulation was you do your snorkeling or other activities prior to drinking alcohol. There were separate swimming and snorkeling areas. There was a water play area for children with slides. Other activities outside of our excursion included banana boat rides, massages, hair braiding, small zipline, and mask tank scuba dive.

  • Érika Marques

    Érika Marques


    Lugar incrível, com beleza singular e várias opções de lazer em Aruba. Na flutuação com snorkel visualizamos várias espécies de peixes, incluindo o Blue Parrot Fish, que dá nome ao bar do local. Café da manhã, almoço e lanches inclusos. Piscina com playground para crianças. Atendimento excelente.

  • en

    mitzy rich


    Very nice Excursion bus picks you up directly from your hotel, Island staff was courteous and friendly. Food and drinks included in excursion and was very good. Good excursion for adults and kids.

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