Rancho La Ponderosa AW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaRancho La Ponderosa


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Papaya 30, Paradera, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 587 1142
internet side: www.rancholaponderosaaruba.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5445667, Longitude: -70.0059322

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lee Dorsey


    Great people. Well care for horses. Really fun ride to beach.

  • Jeff Capellen

    Jeff Capellen


    Really fun but quite challenging. We'd definitely do it again.

  • en

    Tanshelia Harris


    Had the best time ever, felt so relaxing and easy going. The guides were the best.

  • en

    eileen matos


    Such a beautiful morning! Beautiful scenery and relaxing ride! I regret not taking more pictures! I would have like to be allowed to walk and take pictures in the small beach area and walk by the small natural bridge. We just passed by.. I was disappointed but the rest of the ride was great! My tour guide was Leo! Very nice and attentive girl

  • en

    Emily Hoover


    WOW!!! What can I say? We had such a fantastic time! We were/are very inexperienced riders and they ( I can't remember their names anymore, lost my paper. A guy and a lady) gave us a wonderful time! We have a 9&11 year old that's never ridden a horse, but it wasn't a problem! They are SOOO good at what they do!! Thanks so MUCH!!

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