Aruba Trip Advisor i Oranjestad

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ArubaAruba Trip Advisor



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Van Walbeeckstraat # 15, Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 732 6435
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5187785, Longitude: -70.0328404

kommentar 5

  • monica rogers

    monica rogers


    We stayed at RIU. People, run from this resort! It’s horrible. Begging with the rooms, smells like mold. They’re the cheapest all inclusive hotel we’ve ever stayed in. Although we don’t come for the “casino” adventure, these are The rudest casino workers (specially dealers and pit boss) you’ll ever encounter. Basically, if you want fun, warm waters, no windy beaches, nice people, don’t go to Aruba, there are plenty of nicer places out there, Bahamas, Mexico, Cancun, Punta Cana, Antigua, Jamaica, these should be call “happy people” not Aruba. Worst experience of our lives! RIU hotels, NEVER AGAIN! NEVER 😝😝

  • bryan blaze

    bryan blaze


    really helpful made it really easy to move around and find our destination .. thank you ArubaTripAdvisor!!




    i realy like the website it is very helpfull and have good information of aruba i invite you to visite arubatripadviser for all your needs!! enjoy

  • Stephanie Albertus

    Stephanie Albertus


    ArubaTripAdvisor the best place the find all the information you need to plan your vacation on Aruba One Happy Island!!!

  • Angel Soto

    Angel Soto


    This is a Very good tool for tourist, ArubaTripAdvisor

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