Around Aruba Tours i Noord

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ArubaAround Aruba Tours



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116, Alto Vista, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 593 5363
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5677991, Longitude: -70.0111609

kommentar 5

  • Dareese Graham

    Dareese Graham


    The All Around Aruba ATV Tour was great with our tour guide “JOJO”!!! He was the He would have gotten a “5 Star”, but he originally left the resort (after picking up 2 other guests) from our resort and left earlier than our pick-up time; he finally came and picked us up 30 minutes later. Once at the ATV site, we feed the animals. And then we started our tour; we ventured through mountains, visited a church; rode through neighborhoods, jumped from a cliff, and swam on a beach. This 4-hour ATV tour is definitely worth the $160/per couple (double) seater ATV.

  • Kristin Newton

    Kristin Newton


    This tour was great! Dave, our tour guide was extremely friendly. There were only 3 of us on this tour, so we had time to stay at places a little longer. They are very knowledgeable on all the stops, and make it fun! Dave was always joking with us, and it made our entire morning. Definitely check them out!

  • Justine Vild

    Justine Vild


    We did the UTV tour with our 9 year old daughter and had a 4 seater. It was super comfortable, even with my husband driving fast and crazy (which we love). 🙃 Our tour guide was Dave and he was awesome. He picked us up from our hotel and brought us to the starting pount which was an adorable rescue zoo. They give you carrots to feed the animals. It was amusing and my daughter loved it. Then we took off and stopped at several landmarks for 10 to 15 minutes each. We stopped at a beautiful little church, old gold mine(?), cave swimming, baby bridge and a couple beaches where we swam for about 40 minutes or so on the last stop. They give you a (souvenir) gator to cover your mouth. Wear sunscreen and glasses though! You will get dirty but it's totally worth it (this coming from a dirt averse person). $90 a person was a steal. We were picked up at 8:15 and dropped off around 1:45. Dave had a great sense of humor and was very knowledgeable. Highly recommend. I would recommend good hard soled water shoes and bathing suit. They also had 2 seater UTVs and 4 wheelers. Great value!

  • Lisa M

    Lisa M


    Best UTV tour and excursion on Aruba! Our family loved the sights, adventure and seeing all Aruba has to offer! Tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly.

  • Andy Peacock

    Andy Peacock


    We did the UTV tour with trip to the Natural Pool, and it was so good, we did the Catamaran Snorkling tour the next day. Dave our UTV Driver was amazing and Alejandro, Eugene and Manuel on the boat were also amazing. Everything was safe, laid back and extremely fun! These two trips are a must to learn about Aruba on the land and on the Sea! A lot of the cost goes back into the animal rescue they run. We stopped at the end of our UTV tour and got to see and feed all the animals.

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