Linda's Dutch Pancakes i Noord

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ArubaLinda's Dutch Pancakes



🕗 åbningstider

6, Route 3, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 3378
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.565243, Longitude: -70.037722

kommentar 5

  • de



    Wow...das war lecker 😋. Waren in unserem Urlaub zweimal dort. Es war jeweils richtig voll, trotzdem hat das Personal den Überblick behalten und war immer freundlich. Tolle Auswahl an Pancakes und weiteren Snacks. Kaffee free refill. Parkplatz vor der Tür. Kommen gerne wieder. Weiter so...

  • Jordan Shotwell

    Jordan Shotwell


    Amazing pancakes! We had the gouda and mushroom, and a strawberry as well. It's a bit of a walk from the high-rise area and Eagle Beach, so I'd recommend a cab if it's hot out. There are areas along the walk without great sidewalks and not much of a breeze, so it gets hot more quickly than along the beach.

  • Holly Elizabeth White

    Holly Elizabeth White


    We both liked our meals but I can’t say it was anything special. I do appreciate that they have gluten free pancakes though. From what my boyfriend said, they were very similar to the regular pancakes but less crispy. My latte was pretty tasty too. Just as a heads up, they do not allow dogs - not even on the patio.

  • en

    Eric Huffman


    Staff was very quick to wait on us. It does take a while to get your food, but the place is usually busy. The food was worth the wait. They have so many options and ways to customize and create your own. I recommend stopping by here to check it out.

  • de

    Max Müller


    Essen gut aber Wartezeit mit ca. 40 Minuten zu lang.

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