Aruba Outdoor Adventures i Oranjestad

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ArubaAruba Outdoor Adventures



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San Barbola, Oranjestad Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 749 6646
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.4713368, Longitude: -69.9775186

kommentar 5

  • louis russo

    louis russo


    Great way to see the Island in it's more natural state. RJ is a great guide and loves what he does. Very relaxing and alot of sun. Kayaking, swimming and snokeling what could be better. Bring a hat.

  • en

    Liz Garavuso


    This tour was beyond our expectations. RJ is a warm, interesting, knowledgeable guide. This is his company and so he gives it his all. He makes you feel special before you even get in the water. His boats are top of the line paddle boats that are safe and easy to use. He gives you a tour that is unique and a snorkeling experience that is wonderful. You are in a small intimate group and you learn so much about the “One Happy Island.” Highly recommend!!!

  • en

    Jennifer Patrusevich


    RJ is both a fun and knowledgeable tour guide. This was by far the best time we had while vacationing all 3 times in Aruba. The pedal kayaks make for a very serene time on the ocean. The fish and reef were amazing. RJ stays with any in your group who are inexperienced until they are comfortable in the water. He takes loads of photos (>300) so none of your time is wasted taking pictures. Later in the week, we tried snorkeling on our own...not the same; RJ takes you to the best places with the most fish. You will not be disappointed when you book this tour!

  • Mikhail D.

    Mikhail D.


    On our Christmas vacation we took this nice kayaking and snorkeling tour with RJ. This tour is expensive but it worth of money. RJ doing a great job guiding our tour; explains everything, tells stories, shows things which you could not find if do not know about them. For about 4 hour trip he made ~400 photos. It costs extra $40, but it worth! His under-water photos are especially good. This was the most unusual tour for us on Aruba. Thank you RJ!

  • Dawn Pingel

    Dawn Pingel


    Had the most amazing time! I recommend anyone to go here since you see a whole new side of Aruba you can't get anywhere else. RJ is an awesome guide and makes the experience so much fun. Looking to book another one soon! Thank you RJ!!!!!

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